The Appointment Team (AT) works to discern the will of God with Pastor Parish Relations Committees (PPRCs) of GMC congregations and with GMC clergy persons if they should be joined together by an appointment made by the bishop of the GMC of VA. AT members are assigned by the Chairperson of the AT to serve in this PPRC and clergy discernment process, when there is need of a clergy appointment to a GMC congregation.
After the discernment process is complete and both parties believe it is God's will for an appointment to be made, the AT member submits this to the whole AT for approval, before the recommendation is submitted to the Chairperson of the Transitional District Advisory Team (TDAT) of the GMC of VA. The Chairperson of the TDAT upon receiving the AT's recommendation, then forwards it to the bishop of the GMC of VA for final approval and setting of the appointment. Our current bishop, Mark J. Webb, requests that all new appointments begin on the first of a month, which helps with the beginning salary & benefits for the GMC clergy person.