Edinburg, originally named Shryock in 1825 was settled by the German and Swiss. Edinburg had rich soil, beautiful countryside and plenty of water. Edinburg had a gun factory which made guns used in the War of 1812. Edinburg was founded in 1852.
Edinburg is located in Shenandoah County in the Shenandoah Valley.
Edinburg’s population in the 2010 census was 1,041.
The first Methodist preaching was held in “the old brick church”, where multiple denominations worshipped. Class meetings were held behind closed doors and only Methodist members were allowed to attend.
During the Civil War and shortly thereafter the Methodist preached in the United Brethren Church. In 1858 the trustees purchased a lot on the corner of Main and Piccadilly Streets but due to the unrest in the country, building at this location was postponed. It was there that a great revival was held in 1866 and many were taken into the church.
Another lot was purchased in 1868 for 290.00 (while another reading says that the lot was donated). A two story brick church was erected in 1869 and dedicated in 1872. That church was named St. John’s Methodist Episcopal Church.
Membership grew and a new church was built and dedicated in 1917 using the same cornerstone. When the second church was dedicated, it was completely paid for at a cost of 10,110.10. Over the years additions and improvements have made the church more functional and beautiful.
In the late 1880s a wagon shop was purchased and renovated into the first parsonage. This building was then sold and a new parsonage was built in 1962.
Many pastors and their families have passed through the church and parsonage and left their mark.
In 1968 the Methodist Church merged with the Evangelical United Brethren Church to become the United Methodist Church. The local EUB church on Center Street closed and some of those members joined St. John’s.
St. John’s has a rich history and many of the original families are still members. We have experienced a decrease in as some of our members have moved away or died. COVID affected St. John’s as it has many other churches. We have some members still worshiping online but more have returned to in person.
St. John’s members are active in the community in local missions and in the Edinburg Ole Time festival every September.
St. Johns Methodist Church disaffiliated from the Virginia United Methodist Conference and joined the Global Methodist Church on December 1, 2023. We are so excited and open to see what God has in store for us and our sister church, Wesley Chapel.